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For inquiries or to request a demo:
info@koyamedical.comFor customer service regarding your Dayspring system:
support@koyamedical.com1-833-999-KOYA (5692)Dayspring non-pneumatic active compression treatment is indicated for phlebolymphedema, venous insufficiency, lymphedema, and reducing wound healing time¹.
Dayspring non-pneumatic active compression treatment is indicated for phlebolymphedema, venous insufficiency, lymphedema, and reducing wound healing time¹.
Koya Medical is proud to serve Veterans and their healthcare providers. We provide dedicated, end-to-end support. From streamlining the ordering process for the Prosthetics Department, to training and assisting Veterans for successful Dayspring usage, we pride ourselves on serving those who have served.
Dayspring is the first portable, non-pneumatic active compression treatment that supports freedom of movement and mobility. Dayspring works with the body to preserve the physiology that activates the deep lymphatics and venous vessels. Flexframe® technology is uniquely designed to engage the lymphatics including the body's joint and muscle pumps.
Dayspring was shown to provide significant and clinically meaningful improvements in Quality of Life and Treatment Adherence compared to a traditional compression pump.2
2Rockson S, Karaca-Mandic P, Skoracki R, Hock K, Nguyen M, Shadduck K, Gingerich P, Campione E, Leifer A, Armer J. Lymphat Res Biol. 2022 Vol. 20. No. 2.
Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) and its often resulting Venous Leg Ulcers are common within the veteran population. These chronic wounds can affect patients for years and put them at an elevated risk for serious infection. Identifying and treating this condition early is critical to preventing escalation.
A patient's circulatory system is healthy when the arteries, veins, and lymphatics are working together to circulate blood and lymph fluid. Patients develop CVI whenever the veins aren’t adequately moving blood back to the heart, overburdening the lymphatics. This leads to phlebolymphedema.
CVI is a progressive condition, classified using the Clinical, Etiological, Anatomical, and Pathological (CEAP) Scale. The first signs of CVI include bulging veins and swelling in the legs. If treated at this stage of progression (CEAP stage 3), the condition can be managed to prevent escalation. Beyond this stage, the condition becomes irreversible and lifelong.
Dayspring has been evaluated in multiple clinical studies. In an open-label clinical study in which 7 out of 24 subjects had chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) from May Thurner Syndrome (MTS) also known as iliac compression syndrome, Dayspring demonstrated improvement in QoL outcomes and improvement in edema volume reduction over the period of evaluation in subjects with Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI). Subjects found the device easy to use, mobile during treatment, addressing a potential barrier to adherence with currently available pneumatic compression devices.
Limb volume improved (up to 23% reduction in edema) with therapy. Statistical evaluation showed 85% confidence in edema reduction, even in the small subset of subjects evaluated.
3 RocksonS, Karaca-Mandic P, Nguyen M, Shadduck K, Gingerich P, Campione E, andHettrick H. OriginalArticle in Press with the Journal of Vascular Surgery. American Venous andLymphatic Society. 2022;
Feel confident in prescribing the mobile, non-pneumatic compression treatment that can fit into a veteran’s existing routine – and not get in the way of it.